Kravit Estate Holdings, LLC

Council Information


The East Coast Estate Planning Council is an organization of qualified professionals who work in estate planning. Since 1979, we have sought the advancement of the estate planning field through continuing education on industry leading topics, networking opportunities with other established professionals, and development of relationships through social gatherings. Our Council is comprised of members representing the following professional disciplines: Trust Officers, Attorneys, Certified Public Accountants, Chartered Life Underwriters, Certified Financial Planners and other related professionals.

The East Coast Estate Planning Council plans a variety of events for our members.  Our regular dinner meetings include opportunities to network with other members and hear an expert speaker discuss relevant and cutting-edge topics on the ever-changing estate planning landscape, while offering continuing education credit for the following - CPA, CLE and CFP.   Our receptions and virtual events, give our members fun and creative opportunities to develop interpersonal relationships with other professionals in a less formal environment.  The Council also provides sponsorship opportunities at our dinners and social events which provides great visibility and marketing for sponsors.